A Catholic Elementary PreK3–8th Grade School in the Heart of Boston.
Children who are 2 years and 9 months (2.9) by September 1st and are accepted to St. John School will begin school on the first day of the 2 years and 9 months’ school year.
Students who turn 3 years old by March 1st, which means they turn 2.9 by December 1st, may also enroll but they cannot attend St. John School until they turn 2 years 9 months. For example, a child who turns 2 years 9 months on November 10 can start school on or after November 10th.
There are two options for enrolling a child who is not 2 years 9 months:
Guarantee your child a spot in the 2.9 class by applying and enrolling in the admissions cycle. In this case, tuition payments begin in June. The child will begin school on or after the day the child turns 2 years 9 months. In the example above, the child would start school on November 10th and monthly tuition payments would begin on July 1.
Wait to enroll once the child turns 2 years 9 months. In this case, if a spot is available, the child will start on or after the day they turn 2 years 9 months.
Tuition will begin the first day of the month that the student starts. In the example above, the student would start school on November 10 and begin monthly tuition payments on November 1.
Students who turn 3 after March 1st can enroll in the preschool program, and are required to repeat preschool the following academic year.