A Catholic Elementary PreK3–8th Grade School in the Heart of Boston.
The way a student is dressed influences his/her attitude and performance. Therefore, uniforms must be worn every day unless it is a “tag” day (no uniform day). All students are expected to arrive at school clean and neatly groomed, with uniform shirts tucked in. Students may only wear “appropriate” jewelry. A student’s hair should be clean, combed, and trimmed in a reasonably neat style; no radical or extreme hair styles or colors will be allowed. Crocs, slippers or Uggs, are not allowed.
Please note: these rules will be strictly enforced. Uniforms are purchased through Collegiate House and/or Land’s End. Land’s End does not carry the girls’ plaid jumper/skirt.
GIRLS K4-8: Plaid uniform with a choice of navy blue tights or navy blue knee socks, or navy blue slacks, with a plain white or navy long or short sleeve polo shirt with our school’s monogram, and a navy blue V-neck pullover sweater or fleece with our school monogram, and suitable school shoes or black sneakers.
BOYS K4-8: Navy blue slacks, with a plain white or navy long or short sleeve polo shirt with our school’s monogram, and a navy blue V-neck pullover sweater or fleece with our school monogram, and suitable school shoes or black sneakers.
K3 GIRLS AND BOYS: White long or short sleeved polo with SJS monogram and navy bottoms (parental choice) and suitable school shoes.
Sweatshirts, t-shirts, shorts, and sweatpants with the SJS logo can be purchased through Collegiate House and/or Land’s End.